Nutracy Lifestyle

by Rohini Somnath Patil

Health & Fitness


Our brand, ‘Nutracy Lifestyle’ withholds the mission of a holistic healthy life for all. We work towards creating products, services and support systems to make this possible. Working from the inside out is how we do it. Check out our line of products and services, and avail our benefits and offers this season. Come to us, feel the care and build your health, brick by brick… Because we truly believe that a healthy life is possible and sustainable.We are health crusaders who are working to create a healthy ecosystem with our exquisite and uniquely customised options. At the helm of this vision is our experienced nutritionist, Dr Rohini Somnath Patil who has immense knowledge and a mission to create holistic well being for all. We plan to come up with a chain of products to assist you build and support a healthy living.Our founder Dr. Rohini Somnath Patil having done her graduation in MBBS, is one of the very few MBBS doctors working in the field of Diet and Nutrition in Maharashtra, and India. She is the Founder & CEO of Nutracy Lifestyle - a diet, fitness & lifestyle venture.She runs her own Diet and Nutrition Clinic in Pune, Maharashtra. She is an official Nutritionist on board with National Indian Athletes. (GAIL, NYCS) She was the Head and second NMO President of MSAI (Medical Students Association Of India), the largest and leading medical students’ association in India.Dr. Rohini Somnath Patil has also been awarded the prestigious ‘FSSAI Eat Right Award’. (As a social media influencer) by our Hon. Health Minister of India on the occasion of first ever World Food Safety Day.Her avid interests include all things related with Food, Nutrition, Fitness, Travel & Public Speaking. She believes that a short-term diet helps us achieve results that last only for a specific amount of time. But when we change our lifestyle, it keeps benefitting us throughout our lifetime. That is why she always says, “Its Never Just A Diet. Its Always A Lifestyle!”After granting the required authorization, users may now connect the application to Health Connect. This makes the following functions possible:1. Steps taken overall each day2. Total energy expended in a day